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mitsu ishikawa

ファッションクリエーター/ fashion creator


航空会社を退社後、アメリカでアパレルデザインを学ぶ。ロンドンとニューヨークにてインターンを経験し、2016年に帰国翌年にシャツをメインとした自身のブランドを立ち上げる。ブランドコンセプトは「enjoy your life as much as you can - life is ONLY once富士山麓にアトリエを構える。

Following working as a cabin attendant for a major airline,  Mitsu studied apparel design in the United Sates. Having gained experience working with top designers in London and New York with several internships, he returned to Japan in 2016 to fuse his interest in Western design with his passion for Japanese culture. Mitsu started his own fashion line in the summer of 2017 and his designs and inspirations are driven by his brand's concept to "enjoy your life as much as you can - life is ONLY once."  His clothing brand incorporates unique details and techniques from Japanese traditional crafts. Mitsu's atelier is based at the foot of Mt. Fuji surrounded by forests and matcha (green tea) farms.

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